Thursday, August 21, 2008

This month is such a special one.....

Six years ago today I had my twins, Matt had an anxiety attack and little Kate had a melt down. As scared as I was about the prospect of twins I can't imagine life without them. Here are six reasons why:

1. She is the greatest cuddler. Her body molds into yours and it's beyond cozy, she has done this since birth.

2. She is a home body she just likes to be at home usually surrounded by blankets, stuffed animals and pillows.

3. She has a lot of empathy. It mostly appears when after much torment (given by Emma) her brother begins to cry.

4. She has a definate sense of style, I am not allowed to pick out her clothes. She asked for a halter top for her birthday, I think we have lived in Vegas too long.

5. She is funny and her laugh is even funnier it's deep and it's hearty. I love it.

6. She's a wonderful little girl, people want to be around her, and I love having her in our family.


1. He knows no strangers. He jumps into new situations with both feet and enjoys them.

2. Ryne makes sure that you know he loves you. At bedtime when you tell him you love him he says, "I love you too, I said I love you too" this continues until you say thanks or I heard you.

3. He is confused about the appropiate time to wear underwear. I have many times found him with undies underneath his swimming suit, and last night when Matt told him to put on pj's he said do I need to keep my underwear on.

4. The first thing he says to me each morning, "can I play the computer?"

5. Volume control is tough for him. The only time he uses a quiet voice is when praying and it's so quiet no one can hear him.

6. He is a fabulous little boy, he is so much fun to be with, I love that he is mine.

Happy Birthday Emma and Ryne we love you, did you hear me I SAID WE LOVE YOU!!!


Mary said...

Happy Birthday Ryne and Emma!!! I sure miss those cute children of yours! Yes, I miss you and Matt as well! ;) We definitely need to come visit you sometime! Big hugs to all of you!
Mary and Dan

Jen Lynn said...

Ya, your kids are stinkin' cute. Those are great pix.

Happy Birthday kiddos

Sarah said...

That's an awesome slide show. Happy Birthday Emma and Ryne. Or should I say Ryne and Emma? We miss you guys and we're excited to see you in 2 weeks. Man, 2 weeks. I better start cleaning.

Kristin said...

You SHOULD be the primary chorister, look at you spouting out all those songs on your blog :) If you move here, I'll hook ya up!!! This is my's VERY short and zippy "its your birthday shout horray!"
Have fun with all your celebrations!

David and Colleen said...

I remember when you found out you were prego with the twins and you said you were scared to death...well I never could tell you were scared. You are a good mom and I can see how much your family loves you.

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday to the twins! We miss the rockin party you always throw!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryne & Emma!!! Hugs and kisses from the Christiansen gang. We miss you all.