Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah or nay?

This is the haircut I will be getting for the hot Las Vegas summer (incidentally it was 109 degrees yesterday and 107 the day before). Do you like it? And, when I ask just tell me yes since I'll be getting the cut no matter what.


Sarah said...

I was looking at this picture with Cory earlier and he said, "I really like her shirt!" Anyway, yes, I like it. GO FOR IT!!!

Paige said...

Yes, oh yes. And make sure to do the eyeliner too. Love it.

Beth said...

You've been talking about this haircut way too long not to get it. Go for it!

Matt said...

I like it. Just tell me win. My new haircut is going to be really short, too!

Beth said...

Matt, you should borrow Mom's old wig. It fits your style.

mom/diane said...

Go for it.

Christy said...

Hot!!! Hot!!! Hot!!! And sorry but you can't have my kids.

Babcocks said...

Leah I will be in Vegas this weekend. Send me your info so we can call you! I love the hair cut by the way but not so much the amount of heat that is there already.

Anonymous said...

Waiting to see your face with the new haircut and the shirt that my girls labeled "not modest" on :)

A few more weeks and we're invading.....are you ready?

Leah said...

oh we are ready! We can't wait to see you guys.

Gigi said...

Did you ever get the haircut? I hope so! Nothing is shorter than my hair now, so I'm all for short! Post a pix please!